01:830:101 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Echoic Memory, Iconic Memory, Inattentional Blindness

01:830:101 Full Course Notes
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Processes of memory: memory: learning that has persisted over time; information that has been stored and be retrieved, information processing model of memory. Encoding: environmental information is translated into a meaningful entity. Retrieval: pull from memory info previously encoded and stored. Atkinson & shiffrin"s three-stage model of info processing: sensory memory (sensory register or buffer): system that holds info for a fraction of a second after the stimulus disappears. Iconic memory (visual: sperling: asked participants to recall letters after ashing them for 4 seconds. Echoic memory (auditory: used in tuning instruments, longer than iconic memory, short-term memory: for information that is available to consciousness for about. Attention: focusing consciousness on a limited range of experience: guided by combination of internal stimulation and activated goals. E. g. weapon focus: remember the weapon but not the attacker, selective attention: process by which we focus on important information. Inattention blindness: can see, but not perceive the stimulus (unaware)