BIO 358 Lecture 7: BIO358, Lecture 7

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Topic: kinship independent social cooperation the fundamental unique human adaptation. Focus at top of reductionist pyramid- animal societies and looking to add human societies to see how we are unique. We are unique because of large scale and scope of kinship independent social cooperation. This came about by process of natural selection, which itself is not unique or new. According to natural selection, the gene is unit of interest not the vehicle. Gene will look out and say who will it help/cooperate with. Looks at recent common descent- kin selection. Animals are mostly abiding by hamilton"s law- kin selection. Kin selection swept the population- lines in blue are kin selected units. If they help copy next to them, not copy of themselves. Anyone who is not copy of yourself, you would have extreme conflicts of interest with that particular vehicle. Either neutral or conspecific or have fierce conflicts of interest with them.