BIO 211 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Osmotic Concentration, Blood Pressure, Biological System

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Physiology: study of normal functioning of a living organism and its component parts. Explanations are in terms of meeting a bodily need. Explanations are in terms of cause and effect sequences. Homeostasis: maintenance of important properties of living organisms in a narrow range in the face of significant environmental fluctuations. Oxygen and carbon dioxide content of blood. Identify the processes that control and regulate the important properties of living systems. Body systems: consists of related organs that have a common function, there are 11 organ systems in the body. Obtain nutrients and oxygen from surrounding environment. Perform chemical reactions that provide energy for the cell. Eliminate carbon dioxide and other wastes to surrounding environment. Control exchange of materials between cell and its surrounding environment. Sensing and responding to changes in surrounding environment. Exception: nerve cells and muscle cells lose their ability to reproduce during their early development. Groups of cells with similar structure and specialized function.