BIO 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Australopithecine, Color Vision, Catarrhini

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Primates have two traits in common: grasping fingers and toes (opposable thumbs folds down) Carpolestes simpsoni fossils have grasping hands: binocular vision (forward facing eyes) Allows us to judge depth/distance well tree dwelling species + hunting. Primates into two groups: strepsirrhini wet nose (lemurs, lorises, galagas or bush babies) Lemurs don"t act like other strepsirrhini -> diurnal (not nocturnal) -> highly social & matriarchal (99 species: haplorrhini dry nose. Live in south and central america (arboreal, prehensile tails are common) (emperor. Catarrhini (downward facing nose) (old world monkeys + hominoids) African (white-cheeked gibbon, mandrill) ground-dwelling, no prehensile tails, large social groups. Known for their complex social systems and intense parental care. Old world monkeys, gibbons, great apes + humans. Hominoids are the apes -> branch off from old world monkeys -> five primate groups. Larger bodies and brains than monkeys (gibbons, bonobos) The asian apes branched from other hominoids in two separate events (gibbons,