BIO 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Punnett Square, Sickle-Cell Disease, Hemoglobin

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Darwin"s evidence of evolution he had a lack of understanding of basic biological principle, that we take for granted, that"s heredity. It"s a study of how traits are passed through generations, he knew from observations of selective breeding where we breed live stock pets to influence certain traits. He knew its because of that but not exactly how. Physical resemblances from history (people who worked in agriculture used breeding practices to enhance livestock for centuries) but they didn"t know how exactly resemblances came. And people were to believe traits were blended. But now we know that blending is a problem (it doesn"t work) if all parents were to blend all individuals would have been identical. Mendel began his experiments in plants on how traits are passed through generation. Mendel did some experiments on plants, they focused on how traits were passed. True breeders when they reproduce all the offspring look identical to the parents.