BIO SCI 94 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Diploblasty, Cambrian Explosion, Blastula

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BIO SCI 94 Full Course Notes
BIO SCI 94 Full Course Notes
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Multicellular eukaryotic heterotrophs that lack a cell wall. Many shared features - ecm, nerve cells, muscles. History - cambrian explosion, origin of diverse lineages in aquatic environments. The genome of choanoflagellates has been sequenced. They seem to have all the genes to be animals. They have the tools for ecm o o: but they aren"t animals. Different groups that have evolved multicellularity: brown algae, plants, animals. Experimental evolution: trying to do evolution in the lab by applying some sort of natural selection: dr. michael travisano tested whether he could make a multicellular form from a unicellular yeast o. Start w/ a single yeast cell (unicellular: grow yeast in shaking incubator for 1 day. In the test tube, all components of evolution are occurring b/c the yeast undergo mutation o o. Stop & let some yeast settle to the bottom for 45 minutes. Take yeast from the bottom and form a new culture.