BIO SCI E112L Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Skeletal Muscle, Vastus Lateralis Muscle, Uch

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There are 2 basic types of muscle fibers: 1: you can tell them apart based on the type of myosin. Produces pyruvate becomes lactate have a fast form of myosin rely on glycolysis which happens in the cytoplasm. 3: type i: slow-twitch oxidative muscle fibers slow myosin has lots of mitochondria can use other fuel sources besides glucose (sugar) such as fats ( -oxidation) high atp production, but slow has lot of capillaries. Muscle bers are small low force production. 1: regardless of the muscle type, when it contracts it makes an electrical signal you can see on an emg. The trace of the emg can change depending on type and size of muscle. 2: the harder the contraction, the bigger the signal. Motor units consists of motor neurons and motor. 1 motor neuron for many muscle bers (sometimes 1000s) good for really big motion such as sports. 1 motor neuron for few muscle bers (sometimes 1 to 1)