CHEM 14A Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Momentum, Photon

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19 Oct 2016

Document Summary

There"s uncertainty everywhere: just too small for us to observe. Non-commutative pair: switch the order, the ultimate result will change. Washing clothes then drying clothes; drying clothes then washing clothes. If you measure the x first then p will be different from your measuring p first. The state changes when you move on to measuring the second thing. If the location is very precise, ten momentum is not precisely measured. Use microscopy to shine incident photon on the electron to see where it reflects. Try to confine a particle to a small location, uncertainty in position is small. Electrons can be anywhere in space with any probability. But if you can"t measure it then you don"t know where it is. The space is too big to measure the probability of the electron. The idea of position only comes to life when you try to measure it. Only when you have a probability can you have uncertainty.