CHEM 6AL Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Heterolysis (Chemistry), Bromine, Lone Pair

84 views3 pages
5 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Review questions: know what ir functional groups look like, ethyl 4-aminobenzoate & 2-methyl-3-nitroaniline have melting range of 88-90 & are mixed. The melting range of the mixture is measured. Which of the following statements is true: broaden & lower b/c impure compound. Appendix b pages 223-230 & bruice 13. 1-13. 6. **inlet/ionizer mass analyzer detector computer mass spectrum. Used in biochemistry for sequence proteins, oligonucleotides, & polysaccharides. Pharmaceutical industry - in every state of drug discovery process. Environmental science - monitor air & water quality. Geology - test quality of petroleum forensics/airport security - test for explosives or art forgery. Base peak is not molecular ion: soft ionization. Base peak is molecular ion: molecular formula from molecular mass, rule of 13 works well with just c & h in molecule. Step 1: divide by 13: (cid:891)(cid:884)/(cid:883)(cid:885) = (cid:889). (cid:882)(cid:890) 7 (use first number, use remainder for decimal (cid:889) r. (cid:883)