CHEM 4502 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Wave Function Collapse, Self-Adjoint Operator, Eigenfunction

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Eqn and used it to learn about the particle in a box. Now we need to formalize some of the concepts that we used beofre applying quantum rules to other chemical systesm. All these postulates: all experiments support these postulates, haven"t been proven false yet. State of qm system is completely specified by its wavefunction. A function of the spatial coordinates (r) and time (t) 2nd derivative must exist (must have continuous first derivative) if wavefunction breaks any of these rules, then it"s nonsense, can"t get any info from this system. -> yes: arcsin(x) not single valued --> no, dirac delta function. 0 everywhere, but at some point, = 1 infinitely tall, integral = 1 expressed as. -> yes, acceptable b/c we can integrate it --> integral = 1 when we solve schrodinger eqn, all eqns we get will obey these postulates.