CHEM 451 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Lipid-Anchored Protein, Lipid Bilayer, Photobleaching

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If membrane protein associated with membrane, motion dictated by membrane. Stiff emembrane -> can"t move through it -> won"t be able to interact with binding partners. Diffusion within bilayer is very fast in absence of anything restricting movement. Flip flop occurs in days, but lipids diffuse within the same side very quickly , measure this with. Intensity drops, then recovery occurs as lipids start diffusing into the bleached region. Rate of recovery shows how fast lipids diffuse in (can be measured) Individual spots/ lipids, photobleached bits then recovery so you can measure membrane fluidity and add or remove cholesterol to see how membrane fluidity changes with it. Different ways how proteins and lipids can move in membranes. We know we have lots of proteins in membrane, diffusion can be restricted because you run into obstacles. Protein partners/ relative mobility can be altered by who you are next to.