BIO 346 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Zygosity, Allele Frequency, Selective Sweep

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27 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Genetic distance between populations based on neutral loci compared. Is substantially higher/lower than would be predicted based on the genome as a whole. Blue dot selection has resulted in similar allele frequencies. Really similar in allele frequencies contributing to a particular trait. Ratio non-synonymous to synonymous changes in coding sequence. Synonymous (ds) - rate of synonymous substitutions (don"t change the. Less/more/same (dn/ds = 1) than expected mutation rate dn/ds = 1 neutral evolution. Mutations that change the aa sequence happen as often as you would expect if . most common - selection has dn/ds <1 dn/ds >1. The change is adaptive (new mutation are contributing to a new adaptation - becoming fixed faster than it would by neutral forces alone) New mutation increases rapidly in frequency - brings nearby variants with it. Snp data homozygosity test (extended haplotype homozygosity test) - Importance of ancestry vs concept (social - identity) of race (don"t map onto natural patterns of variation.