BIOL 205 Lecture Notes - Lecture 30: Simple Columnar Epithelium, Stratified Squamous Epithelium, Ovarian Follicle

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13 Sep 2016

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Produce the gametes. (gametes = egg or sperm, half the # of chromosomes) Propagate the next generation (through fertilization and development) Comparison of female and male reproductive systems o. Hypothalamus releases gonadotropin releasing hormone (gnrh) triggers anterior pituitary gland to release hormones that cause gonads to mature o. Gnrh signals anterior pituitary (in sella turcica) to release follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh), Fsh and lh trigger gonads to release sex hormones. Sex hormones trigger maturation, development, and changes in activity of reproductive systems. o o. Reproductive organs fully functional (dormant up until now, around age 13 more males at first ejaculation, age 11-12 with first menstrual period) o. Gametes produced and mature (females start with initial set of oocytes at birth that remain dormant until puberty, males always produce sperm) o. Voice changes in male (testosterone triggers thyroid cartilage to grow) Primary sex organs are the gonads produce gametes. 1. 5 million oocytes at birth, lose a number of them due to degeneration.

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