BIOL 205 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Stratified Squamous Epithelium, Paranasal Sinuses, Arytenoid Cartilage
Document Summary
Superior nasal conchae, middle nasal conchae, inferior middle conchae nasal meatus slows down and conditions air before system it goes o o o to lungs (superior, middle, inferior) lined with mucous, throat (pharynx) Conducting portion (series of air passages to get air to respiratory portion) external nares respiratory bronchioles o. Respiratory portion (anywhere gas exchange can take place) respiratory bronchioles alveoli. Gas conditioning (preparing air to maximize gas exchange once it reaches respiratory portion) as air works its way through nasal cavity (warmed, humidified, contact with mucous filters it) Sound production (larynx voice box, paranasal sinuses resonate sound, tongue and teeth) Olfaction (olfactory epithelium in nasal cavity inferior to cribriform plate, odor molecules are dissolved and bind to receptor molecules) Pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium (shape = columnar, ciliated = hair-like structures, o stratifies = layered, pseudo = false) o. Goblet cells (oval shaped, blend in with epithelium cells, produce mucous)