BIOL 1106 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Pollen Tube, Symmetry In Biology, Microspore

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BIOL 1106 Full Course Notes
BIOL 1106 Full Course Notes
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Floral organs are thought to have evolved from leaves. Stamen (androecium)- male parts of the flower with a filament and anther. Carpels (gynoecium)- female part of the flower, tip has ability to allow pollen to "stick" to it. Petals (corolla)- main purpose is to attract pollinators. Sepals (calyx)- outermost whirl of the flower, protects the flower bud. Fusion- the combining of flower parts that were once separate. Reduction- reducing the amount of parts on the flower. Pollen formation- inside the anther are pollen sacs with microspore mother cells that undergo meiosis to produce microspores, then microspores go through mitosis and wall differentiation to become pollen, which consists of tube cells and sperm cells. 3 nuclei are in the antipodal cell, and 2 "polar nuclei" are in the same cell in the middle, and the 2 synergids cells have their own nucleus, and lastly the egg cell contains 1 nucleus.