L07 Chem 151 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Wet Chemistry, Graduated Cylinder, Approximation Error

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Document Summary

Unknown accuracy and precision is worth 10 -> 15 points. 1 midterm exam and 1 final exam (each worth 200 points) 9 experiments, 100 points each (the 2 experiments with the lowest grades will be automatically dropped; no make-up labs). Pre-lab assignment must be submitted before ta s presentation; notebook pages should be submitted before leaving lab. Reports are due at 1:00 pm on the day following the experiment (section i due mon). Late reports will not be accepted after 5:00 pm on the following tuesday. 0-2 bonus lab behavior points awarded per lab period. Weekly exercises and quizzes are available for self-assessment (see course calendar), but bear no points. Weekly help sessions and office hours are also available (regular times begin next week). Clicker questions will be used during lecture beginning next week. Average result from multiple trials will obtain true value. Occurs repeatedly with about the same magnitude and the same sign.