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Anthony Estey

Verified Documents for Anthony Estey

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
CPSC 110 Lecture 2: CPSC 110
CPSC 110 Lecture 5: cpsc 110 104
; problem: design a data definition to represent the name of any sports team. ; then design a function that consumes a team name and determines whether
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Data Definition Language
; given the data definition and function design below, identify. ; and correct the errors in the >>>function<<< design. ; assume that
CPSC 110 Lecture 7: CPSC 110
Design a world program in which a spider starts at the top of the screen and moves down the screen. Assume the spider always moves at the same speed. T
CPSC 110 Lecture 8: cpsc 110 104
; design a world program in which a spider starts at the top of the screen and. Assume the spider always moves at the same speed. ; then improve your p
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Angle Of Rotation
;; design a world program where yoshi eggs appear wherever. ;; the user clicks the mouse and each egg spins as it falls. ;; there are no eggs, but each
CPSC 110 Lecture 10: cpsc 110 104
; problem: design a function that when given an natural n, produces a list of. ; naturals from n down to 1. (@htdf blist) (@signature natural -> lis
CPSC 110 Lecture 11: CPSC 110
In this problem imagine you have information about a bunch of people that you would like to store as data and present in different ways. ;; constants:
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Binary Search Tree, Binary Tree, Insert Key
(require 2htdp/image) (require spd/tags) (define text-size 14) (define text-color black) Complete the design of the data definition below to represent
CPSC 110 Lecture 13: CPSC 110
;; region and listofregion data definitions provided. (@htdd region listofregion) (define-struct single (label weight color)) (define-struct group (col
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Cross Product, Binary Tree
;; interp. a list of numbers (define lon0 empty) (define lon1 (list 10 -3. 2)) (define (fn-for-lon lon) (cond [(empty? lon) ()] Design a function that
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 15: Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage, Backtracking, The Lego Group
;; complete the design of the data definition below to represent an attraction. ;; each unit has a name, a ticket price, a list of stores, and a list o
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Empty String, Doberman Pinscher, Border Collie
;; problem 1: refactor this function to use built in abstract functions. (@htdf keep-positive) (@signature (listof integer) -> (listof integer)) ;; pro
CPSC 110 Lecture 17: CPSC 110
;; region data definition provided. (@htdd region) (define-struct single (label weight color)) (define-struct group (color subs)) ;; single regions hav
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Quicksort, Cantor Set
;; this example will look at a way to sort a list of numbers. ;; the strategy of this algorithm is to first make the problem smaller by. ;; breaking it
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Backtracking
;; in this problem you will design a program to check whether a given simple. Note that you are operating on very simple mazes: ;; - all of your mazes
CPSC 110 Lecture 20: CPSC 110
Problem: (a) consider the following function that consumes a list of numbers and produces the sum of all the numbers in the list. Use the stepper to an
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Binary Tree, Arity, Backtracking
Use an accumulator to complete the design of the function count presented below so that it is tail-recursive. (@htdf count) (@signature (listof number)
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Arity, Binary Tree, Tail Call
(require spd/tags) (@htdd tree) (define-struct node (name subs)) [else ( (fn-for-t (first lot)) (fn-for-lot (rest lot)))]))] (fn-for-t t))) ;; todo is
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Backtracking
;; consider the following visualizations of a rail network. ;; has a name, number of platforms, and is wheelchair accessible or not. ;; - liv has 8 pla
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Backtracking
;; to travel that road to the destination city (@htdd city) (define-struct city (name roads)) ;; interp. a city with a name and roads leading out of th
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 25: Foreach Loop, American Broadcasting Company, Natural Number
(require 2htdp/image) (require spd/tags) (@signature (listof number) -> number) [else (+ (first lon) (sum1 (rest lon)))])) (@template use-abstract-f
CPSC 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Backtracking
We will design a program to check whether a given maze is solvable. Remember that we are operating on mazes with the following conditions: All of the m