Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Behavioral Targeting, Mass Customization, Direct Marketing

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Marketers choose among four basic segmentation alternatives; mass marketing, market segmentation, niche marketing and direct marketing. Mass marketing : the use of one basic marketing strategy to appeal to a broad range of consumers without addressing any distinct characteristics among them. Market segmentation : the division of a large market (mass market) into smaller homogenous markets (targets) on the basis of common needs and/or similar lifestyles. Niche marketing : targeting a product line to one particular sub-segment of a segment and committing all marketing resources to the satisfaction of that sub-segment. Direct segmentation : a situation in which unique marketing programs are designed specifically to meet the needs and preferences of individual customers. Behavioral targeting : a database-driven marketing system that tracks a consumer"s behavior to determine his or her interests and then serves ads to that person relevant to those interests.