PSYC 353 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Grandiose Delusions, Avolition, Prodrome

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2 or more of the following symptoms for at least a month. Signs of disorder for at least 6 mo; if prodromal or residual phase, negative symptoms or. Types of delusions: persecutory: someone is trying to harm them. Thought insertions- someone placing thoughts in their head. Outside control- they are like a puppet. Grandiose delusions- think they have special powers ect. Ideas of reference- things around a person refer to them particularly hallucinations: sensory experiences in the absence of sensory stimulation. Hearing voices- inc level of activity in broca"s area during hallucinations. Negative symptoms: absence or lack of something usually occurring (a ) Asociality: inability to form close personal relationships, lack of social engagement. Anhedonia: inability to experience pleasure, esp socially. Anticipatory pleasure- thinking about the future exciting event-- more dominant, erodes motivation. Blunted affect: little or no effect in face or voice. Silliness, agitation, unusual dress (heavy clothes in hot weather) Onset typically in late adolescence or early adulthood.