GEC003 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Paralanguage, Public Space, Chronemics

29 views10 pages
18 Oct 2021

Document Summary

Communication - is a process by which information, meanings and feelings are shared by persons through the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages. It is a transmission, interpretation and exchange of information. It implies parts interacting and influencing each other so as to function as a whole. When we accept the concept of process, we view events and relationship as dynamic, systemic, transactional, adaptive and continuous: dynamic- anything that is a process is dynamic rather than static. Static things are fixed and unchanging but dynamic things are changing constantly. If nothing changed, there would be no need for communication; but our environment changes. Relationship changes as well as our attitudes, desires, goals, understanding of others, and knowledge. We adjust to change through communication: systemic- it means communication within a larger system. By system, we refer to interrelated and interdependent elements working together to achieve a desired outcome: transactional- the essence of the word transaction is relationship.