EDUCATION Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Unit, Prussian P 8, Feudalism

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15 Dec 2021

Document Summary

Yes i believe that sabre-tooth curriculum still exist at present. Examples of which are lesson plan, instructional materials, books and journals: taught curriculum-from what has been written or planned, the curriculum has to be implemented or taught. This is the teaching-learning process: supported curriculum-these are support materials that will make teaching meaningful. The curriculum stays intact and useful even in the passing of time. However, it should adapt with the change of time. Self-check: agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, disagree, agree. It is not just necessary but it is a must that a teacher should learn about school curriculum because it is the backbone of education. It will help the teacher know when and what to start and where he is heading to. Reflect on the case you have chosen and write your refection. 6 wherein it says that knowledge is limitless. As a teacher we should not be content on our degree.