PS260 Lecture Notes - Vocal Tract, Spectrogram, Speech Perception

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17 Mar 2022

Document Summary

Word a complete, discrete unit of meaning in a language. Phoneme the smallest unit of sound that serves to distinguish meaning. It turns out that the acoustic signal the actual sounds produced would have been the same if he had exclaimed, this guy is falling! : the difference between these utterances isn"t in the input. Aids to speech perception: the fact that daily speech is limited in range (the 50 most commonly used words in. The function of phrase structure: phrase-structure rules help you understand sentences. Syntax helps us to understand, for instance, who did the chasing in the sentence "the boy chased the girl. " Garden-path sentences initially suggest an interpretation that turns out to be incorrect: the secretary applauded for his efforts was soon promoted. , the old man the ships. , the horse raced past the barn fell. "because he ran the second mile went quickly. "