ANAT1052 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Left Coronary Artery, Pulmonary Alveolus, Pulmonary Circulation

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9 Jun 2022

Document Summary

Unit 4 cardiovascular system: state the components and the overall function of the circulatory (strictly, the cardiovascular) system. Cardiovascular system: only the heart and blood vessels. Overall functions: transport, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, metabolic waste, hormones, protect, white blood cells destroy harmful pathogens, antibodies and other blood proteins. Inflammation: blood clotting, regulation, maintain optimal fluid balance, stabilize ph of extracellular fluids, regulates body temperature, differentiate between the systemic and pulmonary circulation of blood. Supplies blood to all organs of body, all cardiovascular system except the heart and pulmonary circuit. Carries blood to the lungs for gas exchange and return it to heart. Supplies blood to pulmonary alveoli for gas exchange through all blood vessels between right ventricle and left atrium: state the location, size and position of the heart. Tilted slightly toward left, 2/3 of heart lies on the left of median plane.