PSYCH 130 Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Psych Notes

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16 Oct 2022

Document Summary

2: gender & moral development, death & dying. 3: motor and perceptual skills, within 12 months, sitting upright, standing, stooping, climbing, and often walking. 4: rattles, smile, frowns, reading, sounds, songs, emotions. In early adulthood: peak of physical development reached in the 20s, healthiest, beginning of decline in many physical skills, begins from 30s onwards, decline in the perception ability. In selective optimization with compensation, older adults match their goals with their current abilities and compensate for declines: find other ways to do the things they enjoy. Interactions with more knowledgeable others provide scaffolding that allows the child to build on abilities. Information-processing approach: focuses on basic cognitive processes, cognitive performance depends on working memory, executive function: higher-order cognitive processes, thinking, planning, and problem solving, revisionist views, role of adolescent egocentrism, belief in uniqueness and invincibility. Inconsistency of formal operational thought: cognitive changes occur throughout the life span, cognitive processes in adulthood.