SOC 1 Study Guide - Concentration Of Media Ownership, New Media, Mass Media

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21 Nov 2022

Document Summary

8. 1 technology today: understand the two forms of technological stratification, understand the digital divide, understand the arguments regarding net neutrality, understand some of the ways to protect your data. Technology is the application of science to address the problems of daily life. The fast pace of technological advancement means the advancements are continuous, but that not everyone has equal access. The gap created by this unequal access has been termed the digital divide. The knowledge gap refers to an effect of the digital divide: the lack of knowledge or information that keeps those who were not exposed to technology from gaining marketable skills. 8. 2 media and technology in society: understand some of the ways informs our culture. Media and technology have been interwoven from the earliest days of human communication. The printing press, the telegraph, and the internet are all examples of their intersection.