SOC 124 Study Guide - Barista, Informal Sector, Industrial Revolution

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28 Nov 2022

Document Summary

In december 2009, about 65% of the us population 16 years of age or older were employed. Work isn"t just what we do; work is a basic and important social institution. Because of the importance of work, problems related to work quickly become categorized as social problems - as everyone"s problem. During the late 18th century and early 19th century, the means of production shifted from agricultural to industrial. In an agrarian society, economic production was very simple, based primarily on family agriculture and hunting or gathering activities. During the industrial revolution, and economic shift occurred in how people work and how they earn their living. Family production was replaced with market production, in which capitalist owners paid workers wages to produce goods. Since the 1960s, there has been another shift, referred to as the industrialization, a widespread, systematic disinvestment in our nation"s manufacturing and production capacities. Most manufacturing jobs and plants have been transferred to other countries.