SOCI 201 Lecture Notes - Anomie, Bourgeoisie, Critical Thinking

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13 Feb 2023

Document Summary

Sociology is the systematic study of society, using sociological imagination. Sociological imagination is the ability to comprehend interconnections between personal experiences/assumptions as well as large scale sociocultural forces. Tools used to develop sociological imagination: empirical research: the collection of data through systematic procedures, giving verifiable info, sociological theories: propositions attempting to explain an occurrence, phenomenon, fact. Interpretive theorizing: focuses on how people come to understand themselves and surroundings. Critical theorizing: explores role of power in social processes, and interconnection between knowledge and emancipation: critical thinking: mode of thinking that uses intellectual standards to evaluate and extrapolate information to other situations. Normative: behaviours and activities that correspond to societies norms. Life chances: opportunities in life presented to one, based on factors such as gender, race, ethnicity. Agency: capacity to make choice individually, which have impact on society. Manifest function: an intended function of one of society"s structures. Latent function: an unintended function of one of society"s structures.