ECO100 Chapter Notes - Chapter CH2: Paul Samuelson, Constrained Optimization, Demand Curve

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26 Feb 2023

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Johnnk] microeconomics will have a distinct sort of policy angle to it. he says the longer he speaks without interruption, the faster. I speak, until i spin off. the other point of my teaching style is i talk way too fast, gruber says. Microeconomics is the study of how individuals and firms make decisions in a world of scarcity he says the course is about tradeoffs, how do you trade off things to make yourself as well off as possible. I will sprinkle it throughout but not as much as i actually believe in it. everything you do has a next best alternative you could have done. Instead economics is referred to as the "doomish science" by paul samuelson mit is the perfect place to be teaching economics. Constrained optimization. the same principles you could think of for your engineering classes, but applied to people"s lives