DOC 1 Lecture Notes - Pseudocode, Flowchart, Interest

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28 Feb 2023

Document Summary

We will learn about flow charts, pseudocode and programming languages. We will also learn about progra mming languages and why do we use them. This will be our flow whe never we will solve any problem. First question, then given values, then approach and at last we will code it. Bhaiya explains what is a flowchart is a diagramatic approach of that approach known as flow chart. Th e flow chart constitute various components, connected with each other bhaiyan says. He says that from w here a program is starting we have a component called terminator. Terminator is used to show the start a nd end start of the program. Next block is a simple rectangle, which shows a process. Bhaiya explains ho w to make a flowchart for the sum of 2 numbers. He says the pseudocode as a whole is a generic way of representing logic.