PSYCH 133B Study Guide - Problem Solving, Delayed Gratification, Object Permanence

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5 Apr 2023

Document Summary

A goal to accomplish, with an initial state and goal state, and with obstacles to overcome. Examples: scheduling classes for the next quarter, tower of hanoi. Scheduling classes actually contain many obstacles including units, appointments . Common dependent variables such as speed and accuracy are generally not as helpful for. The actions taken by participants while solving a problem. Transcription and analysis of a participant"s verbalizations as they solve problems. Variables that provide more insight into the problem solving process, and the. Tower of hanoi strategies that we use in order to solve the problems. 3 pegs and n number of disks. Must move disks one at a time from peg a to peg c. Cannot put a bigger disk on top of a smaller disk. What is the strategy and planing that gets to the goal state of the problem. Assess number of moves required vs. the minimum number of required.