AFRI 1001 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: African Studies, Ethnographic Film, Africa University

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Lecture 1 - art and africa (may 4) 17% of the world"s population lives in africa. That is 19% of the global youth population. 47 african cities have a population over 1 million. Over 250 ethnic group in nigeria alone. 25 people born in africa are nobel prize winners. History of africa did not start with european discovery (often a stereotype that. Some of the oldest documents in the world. The first department of african studied began in the. School of oriental and african studies founded in 1938 (uk, london) Owns more 10,000 black and white photographs of african peoples and over one hundred hours of 16mm ethnographic film. African studies also has a dark history - were under british control. Africa viewed through the lens of white european men. Fixated on broken africa, as potentially becoming communist (charity case, uncivilized) African studies remains dominated by scholars from outside the continent.