MTH 425 Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Oliver Heaviside, Step Function, Formula Unit

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15 Apr 2023

Document Summary

Jggi. io n gegeni still in 84. 3book external fly. Def"m ult a meaewita forcing nonhomog term situations is turned on or off nee. 3 t switch so we can a fin"s unit step function on the heaviside stepten using a single formula express piecewise o: etc a t ga nu"t al. Ex express the following fan in terms of the step fin o t fit. I f turn off 3 at by turning on. So after t n t t 711 t t. 3 aft 1 i. e t e at t r. L fits a uct as flt e asfess and. 2 fie a ult a translation theorem then. 1ft a u t a tdt tf fct. ae stat. 1352 t x v unit o e e. 4282 at 27 oct 2 form of the theorem in. Having a formulafor fit a fan may not be sifted not practical thegiven in this exactway.