MTH 425 Lecture : 12 Method of undetermined coefficients - Part 2

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15 Apr 2023

Document Summary

Modificationtotheruleformdeterminedcoefficien not"mfor yp is anole"s the trial in term assoc homog eg"m i. e if y and yp then multiply three term in the trial poem any. Repeat like terms until no the homog lyin by y y je typ. 94 m am 9m o m wit gmt 91. 0 m m 312 0 mo me 3. If any the to contain by x satisfies. Try instead yp x ax b axt bx. 6127 a co eff of x coeff of x. 2 e y try y y ye typ. Munt modify again thin is now ok x"e x. Ze x c e y text the wfftigf. mgmpeejt. fyi undermined itaxtzen it separately with coeff s directly sax gin but we and. Ly g x in in if yp and yp then a tool"s a moth. 921 7 to to ly g ex ly gzex type ga a tool"s of.