PSYC 181 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Wilhelm Wundt, Times Square Ball, Ancient Philosophy

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3 May 2023

Document Summary

Note: subsets of these questions reappear in your weekly lessons in canvas so that you know exactly where to look in order to answer them. Psychology: the scientific study of behavior (actions that can be observed) and mental processes (internal activities in the mind). Behavior: includes any action that can be directly observed. Mental processes: includes mental activities in the mind that are not directly observable. (b) the history of psychology (1. 1) Brief history: psychology has its roots in ancient philosophy and dualism. Researchers realized scientific methods could be used to understand human thought and behavior. Empiricism: a scientific strategy for testing philosophical ideas. Early modern psychology had schools of thought: structuralism and functionalism. Founder of psychology: wilhelm wundt- observed difficult measure of position and time of celestial events: time would differ from another person"s by almost . 5 a second.