NURS 366 Study Guide - Final Guide: Integument, Hematology, Itch

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14 May 2023

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Differentiate between pharmacologic agents used to treat skin disorders mechanism of action, indications of use, and adverse side effects. Apply a thin film and gently rub into the skin. Do not use occlusive bandages can greatly increase absorption. Thinning of the skin, stretch marks, purpura, telangiectasia, hypertrichosis. More likely with higher doses and long-term therapy. Vulvovaginal: topical 1-3 days; oral: single dose oral therapy available. Compare and contrast the pathology and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia with prostate cancer. Excessive growth of epithelial cells and smooth muscle cells. Urinary hesitancy, urinary urgency, increased frequency of urination, dysuria, nocturia, straining to void, postvoid dribbling, decreased force of urinary stream, sensation of incomplete bladder emptying. Develops in an androgen-dependent epithelium and is usually androgen sensitive. No symptoms until it is far advanced. Bladder outlet obstruction: slow urinary stream, hesitancy, incomplete emptying, frequency, nocturia, and dysuria.