PSYC 3402 Chapter 15-19: Life-Span Development Textbook

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20 May 2023

Document Summary

The course of physical development in late adulthood. Retirement in the united states and in other countries. Middle age is starting later and lasting larger. As adults become older their age identity is younger than chronological age. Some individuals consider the upper boundary of midlife as the age at which they make the transition from work to retirement. Height and weight individuals lose height in middle age, and many gain weight. Women had a higher rate of obesity than men in middle age linked to increased risk of earlier death, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Many individuals experience joint stiffness and more difficulty in movement. Maximum bone density occurs by the mid-to-late thirties, after which there is a progressive loss of bone. Vision and hearing accommodation of the eye: the ability to focus and maintain an image on the retina.