Teaching, Learning, and Retention in the Digital Age

As more colleges and universities utilize technologies to enhance the student experience, OneClass offers what we have been doing for a decade – a robust, comprehensive platform helping institutions achieve student success.

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Who we are

With over 10 years of experience working with millions of college students across the globe, OneClass now partners with institutions of higher education to assist and lead student success on their campuses. From our on-line tutoring package, to international student retention programs, to our customizable chatbots, we are using technologies we know are successful with our own users to help your students.


Online Tutoring

The heart of our product line is on-line tutoring. Developed from years of working with students on-line, we are offer students academic support and assistance from well-credentialed and accomplished tutors. With a core of 16 subjects, that equals 1,000s of courses we can customize our platform to anyinstitutional academic needs.

Improved Grades

This is the mission of OneClass – help students achieve better grades. Students who use OneClass see a 90% increase in their grades and an overall improvement in their GPA. Beyond this, students learn a number of skills with regard to study habits and time management.

Analytics & Dashboards

Colleges are able to view “real-time” analytics of the students on their platform through our dashboard. This gives administrators the ability to see how many students are either in tutoring, number of sessions completed, as well as drilling down to each individual student to see how they are progressing

Customized Student Experience

We have the ability to build out the on-line tutoring experience for students in a variety of ways. From a model of either 1:1 or 1:Many, we customize the learning environment for your campus, to align with your strategic learning goals.

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International Student Assistance

We have been helping international students achieve success at North American institutions of higher education for years. Ranging from 1:1 mentoring to enculturation workshops, we are able to provide your institutionwith a customized strategy to support, retain and graduate your internationalstudent population.


Going to college for any student is difficult; for international students it’s a true challenge. We are able to work with your student population directly to help with the transition of college. This includes programs directed at issues of enculturation, academic workload, and how to reach out to support services.

Soft Skill Building

When English may be your second language, or when cultural issues are a barrier to understand how to develop soft skills, this is where we can help. From building resumes, to navigating a group project, to simply how to talk with other students. We empower international students with a toolkit of skills to help them become more at ease and successful on campus.

Campus Partnerships

What are your institutional goals? Is it the retention of international students or satisfaction with the campus experience? Whatever the goals are, we partner with institutions to create whatever campaign or strategy necessary to help with those goals.

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Chat Bots & A.I.

Through the use of the most advanced AI, our Chatbots have the ability to deliver information to any audience 24/7. Through the use of Natural Language Processing, highly curated training data, and a team of trained professionals we understand the needs of colleges and universities. The result is a highly optimized product that provides support for your departments, students, and campus community.

Adding Answers

You can add hundreds of questions & answers easily to cover anyquestions asked during the chat. No technical setup. No coding required. We work with you directly to understand your campus needs and align with your goals of operational efficiency.

Campus Campaigns

We have the capability of using our Chatbot AI, as well as our texting capabilities to create campaigns to fit your campus needs. Ranging from increasing attendance at intercollegiate games to scavenger hunts to increase student engagement. We leverage AI to create these unique and customized campaigns.

Continued Learning

While talking with students and visitors, your Chatbot AI scans hundreds of conversations in order to learn new questions and recommended optimizations. The more it is used, the better the technology gets, and the more robust the chatbot use becomes.

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