
Purchases 350,000
Sales Revenue 802,845

ABC uses a periodic inventory system, and the ending inventory for each year is determined by taking a complete physical inventory at year-end. A physical count was taken on December 31, 2014, and the inventory on-hand at that time totaled $75,000, which reflects historical cost. Record the 2014 Cost of Goods Sold and the 12/31/14 Inventory adjustment. Additionally, ABC adheres to GAAP by recording ending inventory at the lower of cost and net realizable value at a total inventory level. A review of inventory data further indicated that the current retail sales value of the ending inventory is $110,000 and estimated costs of completion and shipping is 15% of retail. Be sure to make an additional adjustment, if necessary, to properly value ending inventory using the Loss and Allowance methodology. For Income Statement presentation purposes, be sure to use the Loss Method for accounting for adjustments of inventory to market value.

How would I format this journel entry?

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019

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