
you are kindly requested to apply basic accounting logic to start and develop your own business idea. For this reason, you will have to cover the following:
1.Unique business description
2.What are your main objectives?
3.What is the proposed name of the business/idea?
4.What is the form of your business organization?
5.Why did you choose the business form in part 4?
6.How much cash you the business need? And why?
7.If you do not have the sufficient cash, where will you raise the needed funds to start your business?
8.Name 10 factors you would be considering for the start of your business (challenges, needs, regulatory constraints, market study, etc.)
9.Step-by-Step, mention the major activities (actual transactions) you have undertaken during one month/one year of starting the business
10.List down what information you will be requiring at the end of the month? And what is the purpose for getting that information
11.Present a basic income statement and balance sheet at the end of the month (or year).

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Nestor Rutherford
Nestor RutherfordLv2
28 Sep 2019

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