
Swiss Chocolate’s U.S. division will be diversifying its productline to include two product offerings, a basic plain milk-chocolatecandy bar, and a fruit-infused high cacao content premium candybar. The candy bars are processed through a molding operation inwhich molten chocolate is injected into a mold and cooled to roomtemperature, removed from the mold, and packaged for storage andbulk palletized shipment. Below is information regarding the directcosts and volumes of the two major products:

Variable Cost and VolumeData MilkChocolate Premium Cacao

RawMaterials $0.50 $0.75

DirectLabor $0.25 $0.40

Selling andGeneral $0.05 $0.05

Volume inUnits 300,000 100,000

Sales prices of the two products are $2.65 for milk chocolateand $4.99 for premium cacao. The number of hours required tomanufacture each unit was the same for both products. After aninterview process with the factory and production personnel, thedivision controller, Steve Smith, completed the following table.From its simple cost structure, the company decided to reconsiderits overhead pool and reallocate on the basis of activity-basedcosting. Its simple overhead pool has been reclassified accordingto the ABC hierarchy within the following table:


ProductDevelopment $25,000

Setup Candy Molding Equipment $12,000

EquipmentOperations $15,500

Factory Insurance andUtilities:

EquipmentOperations $31,500

Depreciation – Machinery and Factory

Setup Candy Molding Equipment $18,500

EquipmentOperations $20,000

Repairs and Maintenance – Factory:

EquipmentOperations $10,000

Distribution $4,000

Selling, Marketing and Distribution Expenses

ShipmentPreparation $20,000

Administration $20,000

General and Administrative Expenses

Administration $60,000

Smith also noted the following percentage allocations of costfor the activities which are required to manufacture eachproduct.

ABC Cost AllocationPercentages MilkChocolate Premium Cacao

ProductDevelopment 20% 80%

Setup Candy MoldingEquipment 60% 40%

EquipmentOperations 75% 25%

ShipmentPreparation 70% 30%

Distribution 65% 35%

Administration 50% 50%

From the cost information provided, respond to the followingquestions:

1. Compute the cost of each product under the simple/traditionalcosting method. For period costs, use the same basis of allocationas factory overhead.

2. Compute the net operating profit margin of each product usingthe simple/traditional costing method.

3. Categorize the production activities under activity-basedcosting according to the cost hierarchy. Indicate the type of costcategory that aligns with the activity.

4. Compute the total overhead and period cost allocation underABC assumptions for each product.

5. Compute the per unit ABC cost of each product.

6. Compute the net profit margin of each product using the ABCcosting method.

7. Compare the net profit margin of the products under thesimple/traditional cost assignment and the ABC assignment for eachproduct. Evaluate the difference.

8. Write a brief explanation (approximately two paragraphs) thatSmith might deliver to management to justify the use of ABC forthese two products.

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
28 Sep 2019

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