
Please review the following real-world Hewlett Packard Statementof Cash flows and address the two questions below.

Cash flow from operating activities In millions In millions
For the year ended 2012 For the year ended 2011
Net (loss) earnings $(12,650) $7,074
Depreciation and amortization 5,095 4,984
Impairment of goodwill and purchasedintangible assets 18,035 885
Stock-based compensation expense 635 685
Provision for doubtful accounts 142 81
Provision for inventory 277 217
Restructuring charges 2,266 645
Deferred taxes on earnings (711) 166
Excess tax benefit from stock-basedcompetition (12) (163)
Other, net 265 (46)
Accounts and financing receivables 1,269 (227)
Inventory 890 (1,252)
Accounts payable (1,414) 275
Taxes on earnings (320) 610
Restructuring (840) (1,002)
Other assets and liabilities (2,356) (293)
Net cash provided by operatingactivities 10,571 12,639
Cash flows from investing activities:
Investment in property, plant, andequipment (3,706) (4,539)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant, andequipment 617 999
Purchases of available-for-sale securitiesand other investments (972) (96)
Maturities and sales of available-for-salesecurities and other investment 662 68
Payments in connection with businessacquisitions, net of cash acquired (141) (10,480)
Proceeds from business divestiture,net 87 89
Net cash used in investingactivities (3,453) (13,959)
Cash flow from financing activities:
(Payments) issuance of commercial paperand notes payable, net (2,775) (1,270)
Issuance of debt 5,154 11,942
Payment of debt (4,333) (2,336)
Issuance of common stock under employeestock plans 716 896
Repurchase of common stock (1,619) (10,117)
Excess tax benefit from stock-basedcompensation 12 163
Cash dividends paid (1,015) (844)
Net cash used in financingactivities (3,860) (1,566)
Increase (decrease) in cash and cashequivalents 3,258 (2,886)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning ofperiod 8,043 10,929
Cash and cash equivalents at end ofperiod $11,301 $8,043

Required: : Please calculate the percentage increase or decreasein cash for the total line of the operating, investing, andfinancing sections bolded above and explain the major reasons forthe increase or decrease for each of these sections.

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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