
Mercury, Inc., produces cell phones at its plant in Texas. Inrecent years, the company’s market share has been eroded by stiffcompetition from overseas. Price and product quality are the twokey areas in which companies compete in this market.

A year ago, the company’s cellphones had been ranked low in product quality in a consumer survey.Shocked by this result, Jorge Gomez, Mercury’s president, initiateda crash effort to improve product quality. Gomez set up a taskforce to implement a formal quality improvement program. Includedon this task force were representatives from the Engineering,Marketing, Customer Service, Production, and Accountingdepartments. The broad representation was needed because Gomezbelieved that this was a companywide program and that all employeesshould share the responsibility for its success.

After the first meeting ofthe task force, Holly Elsoe, manager of the Marketing Department,asked John Tran, production manager, what he thought of theproposed program. Tran replied, “I have reservations. Quality istoo abstract to be attaching costs to it and then to be holding youand me responsible for cost improvements. I like to work with goalsthat I can see and count! I’m nervous about having my annual bonusbased on a decrease in quality costs; there are too many variablesthat we have no control over.”

Mercury’s quality improvementprogram has now been in operation for one year. The company’s mostrecent quality cost report is shown below.

Mercury, Inc.
Quality Cost Report
(in thousands)
Last Year This Year
Machine maintenance $ 210 $ 140
Training suppliers 5 15
Quality circles 25 80
Total preventioncosts 240 235
Incoming inspection 30 22
Final testing 155 92
Total appraisalcosts 185 114
Internal failurecosts:
Rework 110 62
Scrap 62 50
Total internalfailure costs 172 112
External failurecosts:
Warranty repairs 62 23
Customer returns 252 85
Total externalfailure costs 314 108
Total qualitycost $ 911 $ 569
Total productioncost $ 4,110 $ 4,510

As they were reviewing the report,Elsoe asked Tran what he now thought of the quality improvementprogram. Tran replied. “I’m relieved that the new qualityimprovement program hasn’t hurt our bonuses, but the program hasincreased the workload in the Production Department. It is truethat customer returns are way down, but the cell phones that werereturned by customers to retail outlets were rarely sent back to usfor rework.”


Expand the company’s quality cost report by showing the costs inboth years as percentages of both total production cost and totalquality cost. Round your percentage answers to 1 decimalplace (i.e 0.1234 should be entered as 12.3).

Mercury, Inc.
Quality Cost Report
(in thousands)
Last Year This Year
Amount Percentage of Total Production Cost Percentage of Total Quality Cost Amount Percentage of Total Production Cost Percentage of Total Quality Cost
Prevention costs:
Machinemaintenance $210 % % $140 % %
Trainingsuppliers 5 15
Qualitycircles 25 80
Totalprevention costs 240 0.0 0.0 235 0.0 0.0
Incominginspection 30 22
Finaltesting 155 92
Totalappraisal costs 185 0.0 0.0 114 0.0 0.0
Internalfailure costs:
Rework 110 62
Scrap 62 50
Totalinternal failure costs 172 0.0 0.0 112 0.0 0.0
Externalfailure costs:
Warrantyrepairs 62 23
Customerreturns 252 85
Totalexternal failure costs 314 0.0 0.0 108 0.0 0.0
Totalquality cost $911 0.0 0.0 $569 0.0 0.0
Totalproduction cost $4,110 $4,510

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019

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