
Estimated or budgeted cost and operating data for threecompanies for 2015 are given below:

CompanyX CompanyY Company Z

Units to beproduced 10,000 8,000 12,000

Machine-hours 50,000 10,000 6,000

Direct labour-hours 12,000 16,000 36,000

Direct labourcost $48,000 $64,000 $150,000

Factory overheadcost 150,000 40,000 60,000

Predetermined overhead rates are calculated on the followingbases in the three companies:

Overhead rate based on

CompanyX Machine-hours

CompanyY Direct labour-hours

CompanyZ Direct labour cost


a. Calculate the predeterminedoverhead rate to be used in each company during 2015.

b. Assume that three jobs are worked onduring 2015 in company X. Machine-hours recorded by jobs are: job23, 21,000 hours; job 29, 16,000 hours; and job 31, 11,000 hours.How much overhead will the company apply to work in process? If actual overhead costs total$149,000 for 2015, will overhead be over- orunder-applied? By how much?

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
28 Sep 2019

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