
Which of the following is not a reason for adirect materials quantity variance?

purchasing of inferior raw materials

increased material cost per unit

spoilage of materials

malfunctioning equipment

A responsibility center in which the department manager hasresponsibility for and authority over costs and revenues is calleda(n)

profit center

volume center

cost center

investment center

Which of the following would be considered a sunk cost?

warehouse lease expense

net book value of equipment that has no market value

purchase price of new equipment

equipment rental for the production area

The process by which management plans, evaluates, and controlslong-term investment decisions involving fixed assets is called

cost-volume-profit analysis

absorption cost analysis

capital investment analysis

variable cost analysis

All of the following can be used as an allocation base forcalculating factory overhead rates except:

machine hours

direct labor hours

total units produced

direct labor dollars

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
28 Sep 2019

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