
P1-1A On April 1, Julie Spengel established Spengel’s TravelAgency. The following trans- actions were completed during themonth.

1. Invested $15,000 cash to start the agency.

2. Paid $600 cash for April office rent.

3. Purchased equipment for $3,000 cash.

4. Incurred $700 of advertising costs in the Chicago Tribune, onaccount.

5. Paid $900 cash for office supplies.

6. Performed services worth $10,000: $3,000 cash is receivedfrom customers, and the balance of $7,000 is billed to customers onaccount.

7. Withdrew $600 cash for personal use.

8. Paid Chicago Tribune $500 of the amount due in transaction(4).

9. Paid employees’ salaries $2,500.

10. Received $4,000 in cash from customers who have previouslybeen billed in transac- tion (6).


(a) Prepare a tabular analysis of the transactions using thefollowing column headings: Cash, Accounts Receivable, Supplies,Equipment, Accounts Payable, Owner’s Capital, Owner’s Drawings,Revenues, and Expenses.

(b) From an analysis of the owner’s equity columns, compute thenet income or net loss for April.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019

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