
The bank reconciliation prepared by Gemma Tours on March 31,2017, appeared as follows:

Gemma Tours
Bank Reconciliation
March 31, 2017
Bank statementbalance $15,500 Book balance $34,257
Deposit of March 31 in transit 22,044
Outstanding cheques:
#79 $1,306
#84 1,981 3,287
Adjusted bankbalance $34,257
Adjusted bookbalance $34,257

The Cash account in the General Ledger appeared as follows on April30:

Cash Acct. No.101
Date Explanation PR Debit Credit Balance
March 31 Balance 34,257.00
April 30 CR11 35,645.00 69,902.00
30 CD14 45,533.00 24,369.00

A list of deposits made and cheques written during April, takenfrom the Cash Receipts Journal and Cash Disbursements Journal, isshown below:

Deposits Made
April 7 $14,865.00
13 892.00
18 14,272.00
23 994.00
27 1,981.00
30 2,641.00
Total April CashReceipts $35,645.00

Cheques Written
No.91 $ 1,256
92 5,475
93 2,590
94 3,613
95 3,033
96 1,895
97 8,862
98 3,033
99 8,982
100 6,794
Total April CashDisbursements $45,533

The following bank statement is available for April: (Note: Thebank deposits interest into the bank account at the end of everymonth.)

Bank Statement
To:Gemma Tours April 30, 2017
Bank of Montreal
Cheques/Charges Deposits/Credits Balance
#93 04/02 2,509 04/03 22,044 35,035
#92 04/07 5,475 04/07 14,865 44,425
#84 04/13 1,981 04/13 892 43,336
NSF 04/18 6,876 04/18 14,272 50,732
#95 04/23 3,033 04/23 994 48,693
#99 04/27 8,982 04/27 1,981 41,692
#96 04/30 1,895 04/30 2,641 42,438
#97 04/30 8,862 INT 46 33,622
#94 04/30 3,613 30,009
PMT 04/30 9,861 20,148
INT 04/30 35 20,113
SC 04/30 55 20,058
NSF = NotSufficient
SC =Service
PMT =Principal
INT =Interest

In reviewing cheques returned by the bank, the bookkeeperdiscovered that cheque #93, for delivery expense, was recorded inthe Cash Disbursements Journal incorrectly as $2,590. The NSFcheque was that of customer Laura Clark, deposited in April.

Prepare a bank reconciliation at April 30.

Bank Reconciliation
April 30, 2017
Bank Statement Company's Books
Bankstatement balance Bookbalance
Add: Add:
0 0
Deduct: Deduct:
Outstanding cheques:
0 0
Adjusted bank balance Adjusted book balance

b. Prepare the necessary journal entries tobring the General Ledger Cash account into agreement with theadjusted balance on the bank reconciliation.

Journal entry worksheet

Record interest earned.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

Date General Journal Debit Credit
Apr 30

Journal entry worksheet

Record to account for error in Cheque #93.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

Date General Journal Debit Credit
Apr 30

Journal entry worksheet

Record to reinstate customer account.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

Date General Journal Debit Credit
Apr 30

Journal entry worksheet

Record April loan payment.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

Date General Journal Debit Credit
Apr 30

Journal entry worksheet

Record April interest expense.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

Date General Journal Debit Credit
Apr 30

Journal entry worksheet

Record April bank charges.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

Date General Journal Debit Credit
Apr 30

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019

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