
10 points
Using the code letters below, indicate howeach of the items listed would be handled in preparing a bankreconciliation. Enter the appropriate code letter in the space tothe left of each item.
A Add to cash balance per books
B Deduct from cash balance per books
C Add to cash balance per bank
D Deduct from cash balance per bank
E Does not affect the bank reconciliation
1 Outstanding checks.
2 Bank service charge.
3 Check for $420 correctly written and paidby the bank but incorrectly entered in the cash payments journalfor $240.
4 Deposit in transit.
5 Bank returns deposited check marked NSF.
6 Bank collects notes receivable and interest for depositor.
7 Bank debit memorandum for check printing fees.
8 Petty cash custodian has $91 in paid pettycash vouchers that have not been reimbursed.
9 Bank charged a check against the companywhich should have been charged to another company.
10 A check for $246 was correctly paid by thebank but was incorrectly entered in the cash payments journal for$264.

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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