
Multiple choice:

1. Any report can be redesigned by viewing the report andclicking the:

a. Options icon

b. Setup icon

c. Design icon

d. Recreate icon

. 2. In Peachtree, the Receipts window is alsoknown as the:

a. Sales journal

b. Cash receipts journal

c. Purchase journal

d. Cash disbursements journal

3. The Statement of Retained Earnings beginswith the beginning balance followed by:

a. Plus net Income (loss) plus adjustments to date

b. Plus net Income (loss) plus investments

c. Plus investments less dividends

d. Plus investments plus net Income (loss. Less dividends

4. The income statement is a summary of:

a. Cash receipts and where they came from.

b. Cash payments and what they were used for

c. The overall change in cash

d. Revenues and expenses over a period of time

5. You enter all checks, cash and credit cardsales in the:

a. Sales Receipts window

b. Receive Money window

c. Payments window

d.General Journal Entry window

6. Cash associated with the purchase of landwould be reported in the statement of cash flows under the:

a. Operating activities section

b. Financing activities section

c. Investing activities section

d. A separate schedule

7. In this method of posting, the transactionsyou enter are saved in a temporary holding area where you canreview them before posting to the general ledger:

a. Batch posting

b. Real-time posting

c. Cash basis posting

d. Accrual basis posting

8. The Sales/Invoicing window is also known asthe:

a. Purchase journal

b. Cash receipts journal

c. Sales journal

d. Cash disbursements journal

9. When you print or display a report, you canfilter the departmentalized report using____________________________ characters:

a. A prefix

b. Wildcard

c. Hexadecimal

d. Text-based

10. The report listing outstanding vendor billsby age of the bill is called the:

a. Aged Payables report
b. Cash Disbursements Journal

c. Cash Requirements report

d. Items Purchased from Vendors report

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
28 Sep 2019

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