
Identification of Current Liabilities, Contingencies, andCommitments LO3 P 1. Listed below are common types of currentliabilities, contingencies, and commitments:

a. Accounts payable

b. Bank loans and commercial paper

c. Notes payable
d. Dividends payable

e. Sales and excise taxes payable

f. Current portion of long-term debt

g. Payroll liabilities

h. Unearned revenues

i. Income taxes payable

j. Property taxes payable

k. Promotional costs

l. Product warranty liability

m. Vacation pay liability

n. Contingent liability

o. Commitment


1. For each of the following statements, identify the categoryabove to which it gives rise or with which it is most closelyassociated:

1. A company agrees to replace parts of a product ifthey fail.

2. An employee earns one day off for each monthworked.

3. A company signs a contract to lease a buildingfor five years.

4. A company puts discount coupons in thenewspaper.

5. A company agrees to pay insurance costs foremployees.

6. A portion of a mortgage on a building is due thisyear.

7. The board of directors declares a dividend.

8. A company has trade payables.

9. A company has a pending lawsuit against it.

10. A company arranges for a line of credit.

11. A company signs a note due in 60 days.

12. A company operates in a state that has a sales tax.

13. A company earns a profit that is taxable.

14. A company owns buildings that are subject to propertytaxes.

2. Of the items listed from a to o above, which oneswould you not expect to see listed on the balance sheet with adollar amount? Of those items that would be listed on the balancesheet with a dollar amount, which ones would you con- sider toinvolve the most judgment or discretion on the part ofmanagement?

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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