
Modern Building Supply sells various building materials toretail outlets. The company has just approached Linden State Bankrequesting a $300,000 loan to strengthen the Cash account and topay certain pressing short-term obligations. The company’sfinancial statements for the most recent two years follow:

Modern Building Supply
Comparative Balance Sheet
This Year Last Year
Current assets:
Cash $ 66,000 $ 136,000
Marketablesecurities 0 17,000
Accounts receivable,net 467,000 298,000
Inventory 934,000 599,000
Prepaid expenses 18,000 25,000
Total currentassets 1,485,000 1,075,000
Plant and equipment,net 1,558,022 1,435,936
Total assets $ 3,043,022 $ 2,510,936
Liabilitiesand Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities $ 804,000 $ 432,000
Bonds payable, 8% 618,000 618,000
Totalliabilities 1,422,000 1,050,000
Preferred stock, $25 par,7% 275,000 275,000
Common stock, $10par 509,000 509,000
Retained earnings 837,022 676,936
Total stockholders'equity 1,621,022 1,460,936
Total liabilitiesand stockholder's equity $ 3,043,022 $ 2,510,936
Modern Building Supply
Comparative Income Statement and Reconciliation
This Year Last Year
Sales $ 5,015,000 $ 4,354,000
Cost of goodssold 3,859,000 3,444,000
Gross margin 1,156,000 910,000
Selling andadministrative expenses 638,000 538,000
Net operatingincome 518,000 372,000
Interestexpense 49,440 49,440
Net income beforetaxes 468,560 322,560
Income taxes(40%) 187,424 129,024
Net income 281,136 193,536
Dividends paid:
Preferred dividends 19,250 19,250
Common dividends 101,800 76,350
Total dividendspaid 121,050 95,600
Net incomeretained



Retained earnings,beginning of year 676,936 579,000
Retained earnings,end of year $ 837,022 $ 676,936

During the past year,the company has expanded the number of lines that it carries inorder to stimulate sales and increase profits. It has also movedaggressively to acquire new customers. Sales terms are 2/10, n/30.All sales are on account.

Assume that the followingratios are typical of companies in the building supplyindustry:
Current ratio 2.5
Acid-test ratio 1.2
Average collectionperiod 18 days
Average saleperiod 50 days
Debt-to-equityratio 0.75
Times interestearned ratio 6.0
Return on totalassets 10 %
Price-earningsratio 9

Assume that you havejust inherited several hundred shares of Modern Building Supplystock. Not being acquainted with the company, you decide to do someanalytical work before making a decision about whether to retain orsell the stock you have inherited.


You decide next to assess the company’s rate of return. Computethe following for both this year and last year:


The return on total assets. (Total assets at the beginning oflast year were $2,270,000.) (Round your intermediatecalculations to whole numbers and final answer to 1 decimalplace.)

This year Last year
Return on totalassets % %

The return on common stockholders’ equity. (Stockholders’ equityat the beginning of last year was $1,259,000.)(Round yourintermediate calculations to whole numbers and final answer to 1decimal place.)

This year Last year
Return on commonstockholders' equity % %

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
28 Sep 2019

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